Dr. G. van Putten, Sr. Scientist applied ethology of farm animals, at the
Institute for Animal Science and Health (ID – DLO ), Lelystad, the Netherlands
(retired 1-7-1999).
M.Sc. University of Amsterdam : 1965 – biology
Ph.D. University of Amsterdam : 1968 – applied ethology
1963 – 1968 : Applied ethology in pigs.
1968 – 1975 : Applied ethology in dairy cattle and in pigs (transport)
1975 – 1986 : Applied ethology in pigs, especially in grouphousing of sows and radio-telemetry.
Since 1972.: Involved in research and legislation regarding farm animal welfare.
- 1987 “Ernst Hützenlaub Tierschutz Forschungspreis”, a German award for my entire research on farm animal behaviour and welfare.
- 1990 A “Medal of Honour” from the Dutch equivalent of the RSPCA, because of my work for farm animal welfare in the Netherlands.
- 1991 The “Brownlee Award” from the Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada : “For international leadership in scientific publication promoting respect for animals, their nature and welfare”.
- 1994 A royal decoration from the Queen of the Netherlands, conferring me an ‘Officer in the Order of Oranje-Nassau’, recognising the combination of scientific quality and society-oriented approach of my work in research concerning animal welfare.
1961 – 1968 : Comparative and functional anatomy at the University of Amsterdam.
Participating in teaching a number of post-graduate courses in applied ethology at the Agricultural University of Wageningen (NL).
Participating in organisation and teaching of four post-graduate courses in applied ethology, organised by the Veterinary Department of the UNAM university of
Participating in teaching of three post-graduate courses for starters in practical research concerning applied ethology, at the Bavarian Institute for Agricultural Research in Grub (Munich).
1972 – 1974 : Serving as an expert in the Council of Europe for the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, preparing the “European Convention for the Protection of Animals kept for Farming Purposes”.
1983 – 1985 : Serving as an expert for the “Society for Veterinary Ethology” in “The Standing Committee of the European Convention for the Protection of Animals kept for Farming Purposes” of “The Council of Europe”, regarding a recommendation concerning pigs.
1987 – 1988 : Serving as an expert for the “World Society for the Protection of Animals” in “The Standing Committee of the European Convention for the Projection of Animals kept for Farming Purposes” of “The Council of Europe”, regarding a recommendation concerning cattle.
1988 – 1989 : Participating as an expert in the deliberations of the “Veterinary Sector/Protection of Pigs” and the “Veterinary Sector/Protection of Veal-Calves of the “Economic and Social Committee” of the “European Communities”.
- Civil servant of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature management and Fisheries in the Netherlands from 1968 – 1999.
- Member of the Steering Committee of the annual Meeting in Freiburg (FRG) for Applied Ethology, organised by the German Veterinary Association.
- Board-member of the Dr. Juliane Müller-Foundation in Tänikon, Switzerland, for funding and promoting research concerning farm animal welfare.
- Board-member of the International Society for Animal Husbandry (IGN), seated in Bern, for promoting ‘animal-friendly’ alternatives for farm animal husbandry by spreading scientific information via meetings, workshops, publications, consultations, etc. .
- Board-member of the European Conference Group on the Protection of Farm Animals, organising combined meetings of welfarists, consumers and producers in the E. U. (seat in Brussels).
- Member of the Committee on Intensive Husbandry Systems of the Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals, publishing sound information concerning criticised intensive husbandry systems, possible alternatives, and the consequences of changes (costs, animal health and welfare, labour, ethical implications, etc.)
- Referee of the journals “Livestock Production Science” and “Animal Welfare”.
- Former president of the “Society for Veterinary Ethology”.
- Member of the jury for the annual “Schweisfurth Research-Award”, for excellent publications of junior researchers in the field of farm animal welfare (seat in Munich).
- Former member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the “World Society for the Protection of Animals”.
- Advisor of the working group “Church and Animals”, in the Netherlands.
Author of about 200 publications, mainly in Dutch, German and English.